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Jan 07, 2018   "Pray Without Ceasing (cont.)"  
Jan 14, 2018   "Pray Without Ceasing (cont.)"  
Jan 21, 2018   "The Final Verdict: Depravity" (Romans 3:9-31)  
Jan 28, 2018   "The Final Verdict: Depravity (cont.)" (Romans 3:9-31)  
Feb 04, 2018   "The Righteousness of God" (Romans 3)  
Feb 11, 2018   "Faith" (Romans 4)  
Feb 18, 2018   "Faith (cont.)" (Romans 4)  
Feb 25, 2018   "Faith (cont.)" (Romans 4)  
Mar 04, 2018   "Faith (cont.)" (Romans 4)  
Mar 11, 2018   "Salvation is Forever" (Romans 5)  
Mar 18, 2018   "Salvation is Forever" (Romans 5)  
Mar 25, 2018   Palm Sunday musical service  
Apr 01, 2018   "He's Alive"  
Apr 08, 2018   "What Happened to Sin?" (Romans 5)  
Apr 15, 2018   (service cancelled)  
Apr 22, 2018   "Grace vs. Sin" (Romans 5 & 6)  
Apr 29, 2018   "Depravity and Sanctification" (Romans 6)  
May 06, 2018   "Progressive Sanctification" (Romans 6)  
May 13, 2018   "Progressive Sanctification (cont.)" (Romans 6)  
May 20, 2018   "Progressive Sanctification (cont.)" (Romans 7)  
May 27, 2018   "Progressive Sanctification (cont.)" (Romans 7)  
Jun 03, 2018   "Progressive Sanctification (cont.)" (Romans 7)  
Jun 10, 2018   "No Condemnation!" (Romans 8)  
Jun 17, 2018   "Walking in the Spirit" (Romans 8)  
Jun 24, 2018   "Walk After the Spirit" (Romans 8)  
Jul 01, 2018   "Walk After the Spirit (cont.)" (Romans 8)  
Jul 08, 2018   "Walk After the Spirit (cont.)" (Romans 8)  
Jul 15, 2018   "God Is In Control" (Romans 9-11)  
Jul 22, 2018   "God Is In Control (cont.)" (Romans 9-11)  
Jul 29, 2018   Bruce and Laurie Schwager ( )  
Aug 05, 2018   "God Is In Control (cont.)" (Romans 9-11)  
Aug 12, 2018   "God Is In Control (cont.)" (Romans 9-11)  
Aug 19, 2018   "God Is In Control (cont.)" (Romans 9-11)  
Aug 26, 2018   "The Other Side of the Coin" (Romans 9-11)  
Sep 02, 2018   "The Other Side of the Coin (cont.)" (Romans 9-11)  
Sep 09, 2018   "The Other Side of the Coin (cont.)" (Romans 9-11)  
Sep 16, 2018   "The Other Side of the Coin (cont.)" (Romans 9-11)  
Sep 23, 2018   "The Other Side of the Coin (cont.)" (Romans 9-11)  
Sep 30, 2018   Lee Balentine (Matthew 26:36-46)  
Oct 07, 2018   "David's Prayer" (2 Samuel 12:15-23)
– Lee Balentine
Oct 14, 2018   "What Now?" (Romans 12)  
Oct 21, 2018   "What Now? (cont.)" (Romans 12)  
Oct 28, 2018   "The Good & The Ugly" (Romans 12)  
Nov 04, 2018   "The Good & The Ugly (cont.)" (Romans 12)  
Nov 11, 2018   "God Ordained Authority" (Romans 13)  
Nov 18, 2018   "Our Debt" (Romans 13:8-14)  
Nov 25, 2018   "Thank the Lord"  
Dec 02, 2018   "The Season of His Coming"  
Dec 09, 2018   "The Coming of the King"  
Dec 16, 2018   "The Coming of Our High Priest"  
Dec 23, 2018   "Jesus Christ - Truly Divine, Truly Human"  
Dec 30, 2018   "Grow in Grace"