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Jan 01, 2006   "Making '06 Count" (Various Scriptures)  
Jan 08, 2006   "And The Answer Is..." (Hebrews 6)
Jan 15, 2006   "Truth Demonstrated" (Hebrews 6:6-20)  
Jan 22, 2006   "Better Things" (Hebrews 6:9-15)
Jan 29, 2006   "The Biblical Mandate for Evangelism" (Various Scriptures)  
Feb 05, 2006   "The God of His Word" (Hebrews 6:16-20)  
Feb 12, 2006   "Behind The Veil" (Hebrews 6:19-20)  
Feb 19, 2006   "Who Is This Person?" (Hebrews 7:1-10)
Feb 26, 2006   "Change Is Good" (Hebrews 7:11-19)
Mar 05, 2006   "Our Great High Priest" (Hebrews 7:20-28)
Mar 12, 2006   "The Main Point" (Hebrews 8:1-6)
Mar 19, 2006   "What Was Wrong With The Law?" (Hebrews 8:7-13)
Mar 26, 2006   "This Is The Point" (Hebrews 1-8)
Apr 02, 2006   "A Trophy of Grace" (Luke 23:29-43)
– Dr. Mike Canham
Apr 09, 2006   "God's Chosen Words" (Luke 23:26-48)  
Apr 16, 2006   "He Is Not Here. He Is Risen!" (Matthew 28:1-10)  
Apr 23, 2006   "The Earthly Tabernacle" (Hebrews 9:1-10)  
Apr 30, 2006   Guest Speaker Jay Letey  
May 07, 2006   "The Heavenly Tabernacle" (Hebrews 9:11-15)  
May 14, 2006   "What Makes a Good Mom and Dad" (Luke 8:41-56)  
May 21, 2006   "Response" (Various Scriptures)
– Lee Balentine
May 28, 2006   "Israel's Memorials" (Various Scriptures)  
Jun 04, 2006   "The Necessity of the Death of Christ" (Hebrews 9:15-28)  
Jun 11, 2006   "The Greatness of Christ's Sacrifice" (Hebrews 9:23-28)
Jun 18, 2006   "What Makes a Good Dad and Mom" (Luke 8:41-56)  
Jun 25, 2006   "All Have An Appointed Time" (Hebrews 9:27-28)  
Jul 02, 2006   "Declaration Of Dependence" (Various Scriptures)  
Jul 09, 2006   "Insufficient Offerings - Therefore..." (Hebrews 10:1-19)  
Jul 16, 2006   "A Different Perspective: Paul, Part 1" (Philippians)
– Assistant Pastor Lee Balentine
Jul 23, 2006   'A Different Perspective: The Church, Part 2" (Philippians)
– Assistant Pastor Lee Balentine
Jul 30, 2006   Guest Speaker Dr. Michael Loftis, President of ABWE
Aug 06, 2006   "The Awe and Wonder of God" (Amos 8)  
Aug 13, 2006   "Surrender" (Hebrews 10:5-10)  
Aug 20, 2006   "Choose You This Day" (Hebrews 10:11-18)  
Aug 27, 2006   "Draw Near, Hold On, Consider One Another" (Hebrews 10:19-25)  
Sep 03, 2006   "Falling Into The Hands Of God" (Hebrews 10:26-31)  
Sep 10, 2006   "Without Christ We Have Nothing" (Hebrews 10:26-39)  
Sep 17, 2006   "Keep On Keeping On" (Hebrews 10:31-39)  
Sep 24, 2006   "The Enduring Walk" (Hebrews 11:1)  
Oct 01, 2006   "By Faith...We Understand" (Hebrews 11:3)  
Oct 08, 2006   "By Faith...Abel Offered" (Hebrews 11:4)  
Oct 15, 2006   "Christian Hope" (Various Scriptures)
– Tom Clement
Oct 22, 2006   "By Faith..." (Hebrews 11)  
Oct 29, 2006   "A Mouth, A Hand, A Foot... What Are You?" (1 Samuel 30:8-10,16-25; 1 Corinthians 12:12-31)
– Tom Marmor, Wycliffe Bible Translators
Nov 05, 2006   "By Faith... Noah" (Hebrews 11:7)  
Nov 05, 2006 PM A Current Debate: Universal or Local Flood?  
Nov 12, 2006   "By Faith... Abraham" (Hebrews 11:8-12)  
Nov 19, 2006   "Thanksgiving" (Various Scriptures)  
Nov 26, 2006   "By Faith... Abraham and Sarah" (Hebrews 11:8-12)  
Dec 03, 2006   "By Faith... Sarah" (Hebrews 11:11-12)  
Dec 10, 2006   "By Faith... They Died" (Hebrews 11:13-16)  
Dec 17, 2006   "Abraham Offers Isaac" (Hebrews 11:17-19)  
Dec 17, 2006 PM "Dealing With Grief"  
Dec 24, 2006   "The Word Became Flesh" (Various Scriptures)  
Dec 31, 2006   "How Resolved Am I?" (Various Scriptures)